Heavy-duty Gauge Wheels and a Floating Auger![Heavy-duty Gauge Wheels and a Floating Auger](http://assets.cnhindustrial.com/caseih/NAFTA/NAFTAASSETS/Products/Forage-Harvesters-and-Blowers/Pull-Type-Forage-Harvesters/FHX300/FHX300_01502_03-09_mr.jpg?width=500&height=300)
Built compact for easy maneuvering in hilly terrain and smaller fields:
• Ground-hugging HDX10P/HDX20P windrow pickups gather the entire crop.
• Heavy-duty gauge wheels handle rough ground
• Wheels help the pickup rise over swells and into dips without gouging
• Open end pulls in wide windblown windrows
• Two models available
• 76.5 in or 92 in (1.94 mm or 2.34 mm) models, tine to tine
• Closely spaced pickup tines flex to gather the entire windrow
• Floating auger handles heavy crop conditions
• Retractable finger feed auger feeds crop smoothly
• Auger reverses with feedrolls to easily clear plugs in case of overload