ID: 16708086
Year: 2012
Make: New Holland
Model: T7.235
Type: Used
Milleage: 2780 hours |
N/A |
Engine Size - cc: N/A |
2012 New Holland T7.235, 185 rated engine horsepower, 234 engine horsepower with Power Boost, 150 rated pto horsepower, 540/1000 rpm pto, Rear fender mounted pto controls, Manually adjustable telescopic mirrors, Category II/III N flexible link ends, Deluxe air suspension seat, Instructor seat, 2 electronic mid-mount valves with electronic joystick, New Holland 855TL mechanical self-leveling loader, 3 point hitch with 110 mm cylinders, Automatic climate control, Grid heater, (4) electronic rear remotes, External remote valve control, High capacity hydraulic pump, 119 inch bar axle, 710/70R38 radial rear tires, 600/65R28 radial front tires, Front weight carrier, Powershift transmission with 19 forward x 6 reverse gears, 2780 hours, $127900