kirchner Machine Ltd

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Yetter 2967-007 Floating Row Cleaner for No-Till Coulters
Price Contact for price Sale Type New
Year 2018 Quantity N/A
Manufacturer Yetter Model 2967-007 Floating Row Cleaner for No-Till Coulters
Vin N/A Color N/A
Date Received N/A Odometer N/A
Comments A versatile floating residue manager, the 2967-007 Floating Row Cleaner for No-Till Coulters is designed to be paired with the Yetter 2960-033/034/041 No-Till Coulter or can be purchased independently. This unit can be installed on John Deere, White, and Kinze planters.  Features Attaches to front of coulter or can be used independently as floating row cleaner with mount bracket Can be adjusted to float and follow the soil contour or locked down to move tough residue Is compatible with Precision Planting CleanSweep® with the 2967-901 mounting kit Is available with a range of residue management wheel options Mounts to row-unit faceplate .trbordd tr{border-bottom:1px solid #dedede;} .igg{float:right; padding:10px;} .tdg{border-bottom:1px solid #dedede;} .ttl{width: 100%; height: 30px; background-color: #eeeeee; line-height: 26px; padding-top: 2px; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; margin-top: 10px; color: #df0101; font-size: 14px; clear: both;} .flex-box{max-width:700px; overflow:scroll; height:800px; font-size:12px;} .flex-box td{border:1px solid #000; padding:5px;} .flex-box th{border:1px solid #000; padding:5px; font-weight:bold; background-color:#04659d; color:#fff; text-shadow:1px 1px 2px #000;} .list ul{list-style:disc; padding-left:10px; } .list li{width:80%!important;} .spectable td{border: 1px solid #000000; padding:5px; }  Specs Weight: 61 lbs. with Floater Wheel Adds 21 1/2" to length of the row unit  Model Details MODEL PLANTER FIT MOUNTS TO 2967-007 Floating Residue Manager for No-Till Coulters  John Deere 1700 Series and after; White 9000 2960-034 No-Till Coulter 2967-007 Floating Residue Manager for No-Till Coulters  John Deere 7000/7100; Kinze 2000, 3000, & 4900; White 6000 2960-033 No-Till Coulter 2967-007 Floating Residue Manager for No-Till Coulters  White 8000 2960-041 No-Till Coulter .trbordd tr{border-bottom:1px solid #dedede;} .igg{float:right; padding:10px;} .tdg{border-bottom:1px solid #dedede;} .ttl{width: 100%; height: 30px; background-color: #eeeeee; line-height: 26px; padding-top: 2px; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; margin-top: 10px; color: #df0101; font-size: 14px; clear: both;} .flex-box{max-width:700px; overflow:scroll; height:800px; font-size:12px;} .flex-box td{border:1px solid #000; padding:5px;} .flex-box th{border:1px solid #000; padding:5px; font-weight:bold; background-color:#04659d; color:#fff; text-shadow:1px 1px 2px #000;} .list ul{list-style:disc; padding-left:10px; } .list li{width:80%!important;} .spectable td{border: 1px solid #000000; padding:5px; }  

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