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MacDon D65 Windrower Draper Header 40 ft (12.2 m)
Price Contact for price Sale Type New
Year 2018 Quantity N/A
Manufacturer MacDon Model D65 Windrower Draper Header 40 ft (12.2 m)
Vin N/A Color N/A
Date Received N/A Odometer N/A
Comments Do it all, do it better, do it sooner. A significant leap forward in draper header technology, MacDon D Series Drapers offer improved capacity and provide the operator with unparalleled productivity. Better still, D Series Drapers are true multi-crop harvesting solutions letting you cut just about any crop without having to swap headers. Not only are they perfect for harvesting cereals, oil seeds, grass seeds and edible beans, they will also outperform most auger headers in hay and forage applications. If you are looking for the ultimate combination of swath formation and productivity, you can’t do better than MacDon’s D Series Draper Headers for your operation. FEATURES • Extra large 76.7" (1948 mm) windrow opening coupled with a step back design on the rear header panel allows for more volume of tall bushy crops resulting in improved crop flow and windrow formation • PR15 pick-up reel which features MacDon’s flip-over finger action and cam-leading finger control • Hydraulic knife drive for maximum power transfer and increased ground speed in most conditions • Mechanical and hydraulic deck shift (center or end delivery on D65) D65 SIZES • 15 ft. (4.6 m) •20 ft. (6.1 m) • 25 ft. (7.6 m) • 30 ft. (9.1 m) • 35 ft. (10.7 m) • 40 ft. (12.2 m) • 45 ft. (13.7 m)     Product Features / Performance Options .igg{float:right; padding:10px;} .tdg{border-bottom:1px solid #dedede;} .ttl{width: 100%; height: 30px; background-color: #eeeeee; line-height: 26px; padding-top: 2px; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; margin-top: 10px; color: #df0101; font-size: 14px; clear: both;} .list ul{list-style:disc; padding-left:10px;} .list li{width:80%;} Advanced Draper Technology MacDon’s draper system features larger capacity motors and heavy duty double row sealed roller bearings for increased power and reduced maintenance. MacDon’s puncture and tear resistant V-guide drapers are designed for positive tracking. On the D65 model, the double V-guide draper can be reversed if the leading edge becomes damaged or worn, effectively doubling draper life. Combined with MacDon’s draper protecting patented C-shaped cutterbar, these features make them MacDon’s most durable and reliable drapers ever. Consistently Close Shave MacDon’s unique patented C-shaped cutterbar, which permits cutting at ground level for the most consistently clean shave of your fields. This close cutting ability combined with the reel’s ability to maintain a consistent relationship with the sickle (allowing it to gently lift the crop like a comb) means improved recovery in crop that is downed, lodged or tangled. Boost your Productivity Instantly with D Series Draper Headers Designed to be excellent all-purpose headers for cereals, canola, hay, forage and specialty crops, MacDon’s D Series Drapers allow you to cut at significantly higher speeds and achieve greater capacity, while still delivering exceptionally uniform and fluffy windrows. This is possible thanks to their extra-wide 76.7" (1948 mm) swath opening, increased draper depth, better angling on the back sheet and the higher crop clearance of the M Series Windrower. The super robust full-featured D65 which is designed for high volume commercial operations. Both models feature MacDon’s patented C-shaped cutterbar. Long-life double V-guide drapers are standard on the D65. MacDon's D65 - The Ultimate in Draper Harvesting Performance Available in single and double knife versions, MacDon’s full-featured D65 model is designed for high acreage operations and is outfitted with heavier duty drapers, shiftable decks on certain configurations (that allow center or side delivery) and the ability to attach MacDon’s HC10 Hay Conditioner (available for double knife drives up to 30'/9.1 m). For hay and forage harvesting, MacDon’s optional double windrow attachment (available for double knife version headers only) allows you to lay up to 50' (15.2 m) of conditioned crop in a windrow, ideal for today’s larger forage harvesters. The D65 is configured with either a 5 or 6 bat PR15 pick-up reel, both of which have been specially engineered to maintain a consistently close cutterbar to reel relationship over the entire length of the header as well as provide more effective lift and sweep of material from the cutterbar. As such, you’ll experience better cutting performance, especially in tough harvesting conditions such as downed or tangled crops. For more control, the D65 comes standard with hydraulic fore-aft reel positioner and can be outfitted with performance options such as hydraulic header tilt for the ultimate harvesting package. Excellent for Hay and Forage With the addition of MacDon’s HC10 Hay Conditioner, D65 headers become high performance hay and forage harvesting machines. If you’re cutting for one of today’s large forage harvesters, MacDon’s optional double windrow attachment (available for double knife units) lets you lay up to 50' (15.2 m) of conditioned crop in a single windrow. Hydraulic Reel Fore-Aft Positioner Adjust the reel position to changing crop and field conditions on-the-go from the cab. Robust Reel Drive The MacDon pick-up reel is the most robust on the market. The special cam arms are manufactured in cast-iron to ensure it can withstand the toughest crop conditions. Reel End Shield Redesigned The reel endshields were redesigned for less carryover of crop and to allow more clearance between the reel and header endshields. Reel Positioner Indication Reel position can be critical to the performance of your header in certain crops. Simple reel positioner indication is offered to allow your operators to better determine where their reel works best. Cutterbar Poly This kit is a compression molded component that has very high wear characteristics. It is used when cutting low podding crops like peas, edible beans, or other lodged crops. The smooth design characteristics make this kit ideal for muddy harvesting conditions by reducing the likelihood of mud building up on the cutterbar. Improved Draper Drive Rollers Tungsten carbide ribs have been added to the steel drive rollers to reduce draper slippage while allowing longer overall draper life. This feature prevents traditional draper slippage on wide headers in heavy crops such as canola. Double draper drive kits are no longer needed when using this roller. *This roller is retrofittable on older MacDon headers. Draper Seal A draper seal is built into both of the side drapers and travels the entire length of the c-shaped cutterbar, preventing and crop residue from entering the underside of the drapers. This feature is especially beneficial to those who are swathing canola. V-Guide Draper Tracking Critical to keep your drapers tracking straight, preventing premature wear to the drapers. Draper Tension Increased 33% This simple change allows the drapers to be tensioned up to 33% more than previous FlexDraper headers, improving the drive to drapers for handling the heaviest of crop loads. Spring Loaded Stabilizer Wheels Option The Stabilizer Wheel Kit is designed for cutting off the ground, by stabilizing the header in undulating ground conditions through the use of spring & shock combination. The cutting height is fully adjustable and can easily be set to a number of cutting height positions. It is recommended that the wheels are lifted off the ground while cutting low podding crops such as edible beans or peas. This kit can be used on 30’ (9.1m) and larger headers. Double Windrow Attachment Option MacDon’s double windrow attachment feature lets you lay up to 48' (14.6 m) of crop in a single windrow. This is ideal for today s large forage harvesters and can translate into significant time and fuel savings for producers who employ this feature. When mounting to D60 Double Knife headers HC10 Conditioner is required. DOUBLE WINDROW ATTACHMENT WINDROW SIZE PLACEMENT  D Series Double Placement           50 ft. (15.2 m) Triple Placement             160 ft. (18.3 m) 2 All Double Windrow Attachments must be used in conjunction with Hay Conditioner on the D Series Headers 1 Triple placement is possible with installation of GPS Auto Steer on your Windrower 2 The 60' (18.2m) is accomplished with the use of the 20' (6.1 m) D60-D Upper Cross Auger Option Attached in front of the back tube, the upper cross auger improves feeding of tall, fluffy crop to the center of the draper header. This kit is ideal for high volume harvesting of canola, mustard and other tall, hard to feed crops. This kit can be used on all sizes of headers and are length specific (full width of each header size). Transport & Stabilizer Package Option This kit will allow you to transport your draper header from farm-to-field and then quickly switch to field Stabilizer Wheel position by one person. The Transport Package is a simple self-supporting unit with very little hitch weight for simpler hitching. The transport tow pole is a two piece unit that requires no tools to assemble / disassemble and stores on the back tube of the header during harvesting operation. The Stabilizer Wheel application is ideal for cutting off the ground, by stabilizing the header in undulating ground conditions. This kit can be used on 30’ (9.1m) and larger headers. Cutterbar Poly Option This kit is a compression molded component that has very high wear characteristics. It is used when cutting low podding crops like soybeans, lentils, or other lodged crops. The smooth design characteristics make this kit ideal for muddy harvesting conditions by reducing the likelihood of mud building up on the cutterbar. This kit is available for all header sizes. Stub Guards Option Stub guards mount directly to the cutterbar to improve cutting performance in tough, stringy grass type crops, and crops that need to be cut close to the ground (such as grass, hay and rice). Kits can be ordered based on size of product. Hay Conditioner Option MacDon s HC10 Hay Conditioner, available for double knife drives up to 30 (9.1 m), turns a D65 header into a high performance hay and forage harvester.  

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