Stoltz Sales & Service

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6805, Line 86 West
Elmira Ontario
ON N3B 2Z6
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Market Portable Drill/Planter-Fill Augers
Price Contact for price Sale Type New
Year 2022 Quantity N/A
Manufacturer Market Model Portable Drill/Planter-Fill Augers
Vin N/A Color N/A
Date Received N/A Odometer N/A
Comments The MARKET PORTABLE SINGLE AUGER SEED-FILL is available as a complete auger or you can purchase just the undercarriage to convert your existing 14' or 15' drill mounted unit over to a portable unit.  Trading in your old no-till drill for a newer one?  No problem.  The undercarriage kit allows you to keep your fill auger for other uses as well as filling your new seed drill or planter. The undercarriage kit can also be used to convert existing 14' or 15' MARKET  PLASTIC GRAVITY BOX AUGERS over to a portable unit.  You will need to purchase a vertical auger hopper and a telescoping downspout if required. An optional electric solenoid valve kit and a BUCKEYE AUGERMATE (hydraulic power unit) can also be added to make this a truly independent seed fill system.        Now available in 8". Available with cupped steel, plastic or 7" cupped plastic flighting.     "less time filling, more time planting" 6”AUGER CAPACITIES: CORN/SOYBEAN…………..15 BUSHEL PER MINUTE FERTILIZER………….……1,000 LBS. PER MINUTE 8” AUGER CAPACITIES CORN/SOYBEAN…………..26 BUSHEL PER MINUTE FERTILIZER………………1,700 LBS. PER MINUTE *RATES MAY DIFFER DUE TO QUALITY OF MATERIAL, UNLOADING ANGLE & HYDRAULIC OUTPUT.  

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