Maxville Farm Machinery Ltd.

Phone(s): (613) 527-2834
2508 County Rd 20
Maxville Ontario
K0C 1T0
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Kverneland DF-2
Price Contact for price Sale Type New
Year 2023 Quantity N/A
Manufacturer Kverneland Model DF-2
Vin N/A Color N/A
Date Received N/A Odometer N/A
Comments Flexible front-mounted twin hoppers for both conventional and precision sowing The Kverneland DF-2 is a pneumatic seed drill with front-mounted twin hoppers feeding two metering devices. Therefore, the Kverneland DF-2 can distribute seeds and fertiliser at the same time.   As the hoppers are mounted in front of the tractor, the weight is evenly distributed and provides maximum balance. Both DF-1 and DF-2 seeders are more flexible than conventional seed drills and can be used for conventional and precision sowing. The two metering devices of the DF-2 are driven via the spiked landwheel, which runs on the right side of the machine. Hydraulic fan drives and landwheel lifting are available as options.   The Kverneland DF-2 has a hopper capacity of up to 1650 litres of seeds or fertiliser. This can be increased with an extension up to 2200 litres. Used in combination with a precision seed drill, the hopper can feed up to 16 rows with fertiliser. The handy positioning of all valves and electrics is clear and convenient, facilitating easy adjustment and maintenance. The Advantages of Kverneland DF-2: Balanced weight distribution Improved safety and manoeuvrability Unrestricted rear view To be used for row fertilizing in combination with a precision seed drill .igg{float:right; padding:10px;} .tdg{border-bottom:1px solid #dedede;} .ttl{width: 100%; height: 30px; background-color: #eeeeee; line-height: 26px; padding-top: 2px; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; margin-top: 10px; color: #df0101; font-size: 14px; clear: both;} .list ul{list-style:disc; padding-left:10px;} .list li{width:80%;}

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