H & L Motors
Highway 2, Glenboro, MB 42059 Rd 34E, Blumenort, MB Glenboro,Blumenort Manitoba |
Price |
Contact for price |
Sale Type |
New |
Year |
2022 |
Quantity |
N/A |
Manufacturer |
Degelman |
Model |
Vin |
N/A |
Color |
N/A |
Date Received |
N/A |
Odometer |
N/A |
Comments |
The Degelman Strawmaster is engineered tough and designed to tackle enormous straw problems. Available in 5 row; 26” x 5/8” tines or 7 row; 26" x 1/2" tines equipped with tungsten carbide Endura-Tip tines, and set in large ten foot wide sections, this machine is at the forefront of modern straw management. The Strawmaster series of heavy harrows will shatter straw, control weeds, rake flax straw, and incorporate seed and chemicals.