H & L Motors

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Highway 2, Glenboro, MB 42059 Rd 34E, Blumenort, MB
Glenboro,Blumenort Manitoba
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Vermeer TE2510 TEDDER
Price Contact for price Sale Type New
Year 2023 Quantity 1
Manufacturer Vermeer Model TE2510 TEDDER
Vin N/A Color N/A
Date Received N/A Odometer km
Comments A unique hook tine design allows the tedder to pick up and spread large amounts of crop by creating a "bottoms-up" motion for even distribution and quick crop aeration. The large, durable basket wheels with 5-bolt hubs offer ground contouring and flotation in the field. The carted frame with large transport tires provides a smooth ride on the road. Plus, it includes the convenient maintenance and durability you've come to expect in Vermeer equipment. Vermeer TE2510: spread the word. *Tim Schnakenberg, University of Missouri, Makin Hay Minute: Tedders: Why and When to Use Them. [See the video](https://youtu.be/Te5TvgaYdgk).

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