Battle River Implements Ltd.

Phone(s): 1.877.913.3373
5907 51 St
Killam Alberta
T0B 2L0
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HLA-4000 Series
Price Contact for price Sale Type New
Year 2023 Quantity N/A
Manufacturer HLA Snow Model 4000 Series
Vin N/A Color N/A
Date Received N/A Odometer N/A
Comments The HLA SnowBlade puts you in the driver seat when it comes to clearing snow. The SnowBlade robust mouldboard has a precision engineered curve construction that folds and rolls the snow, limiting unwanted sticking, side tracking, and spill over. Equipped with a spring-trip feature, the cutting edge trips back if the blade hits a hidden object, limiting any damage so you can continue clearing. With other features such as the crossover relief valve, lateral float, and replaceable and reversible cutting edge, the HLA SnowBlade gets the job done right, every time..

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