Maxville Farm Machinery Ltd.

Phone(s): (613) 527-2834
2508 County Rd 20
Maxville Ontario
K0C 1T0
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New Holland Flexi-Coil® P Series Air Carts - Flexi-Coil® P4580
Price Contact for price Sale Type New
Year 2024 Quantity N/A
Manufacturer New Holland Model Flexi-Coil® P Series Air Carts
Vin N/A Color N/A
Date Received N/A Odometer N/A
Comments COMPARTMENTS 4 CAPACITY 580 BUSHELS NEW, LARGER TOW-BETWEEN AIR CARTS  New P3720 and P4760 tow-between air cart models provide 30% greater capacity and feature a new hydraulic hitch jack for faster and easier tractor hook-up. A new ladder design provides exceptional operator access, whether the tractor is equipped with tracks, duals or triples. NORMAL CAPACITIES, OUTSTANDING FEATURES Choose from a variety of P Series models with two, three or four tanks and tank sizes ranging from 350 to 950 bushels. Large tanks increase carrying capacity by 65% over previous models, so you can cover 160 acres with a single fill. VARIABLE-RATE APPLICATION For maximum precision as field conditions change you can vary application rates using pre-loaded prescription maps. GPS position is communicated to the rate controller, which varies application rates by zone based on prescription-map criteria such as soil pH, fertility and irrigation. ULTIMATE BLENDING FLEXIBILITY  Flexi-Coil® P Series air carts let you apply seed, fertilizer or granular products in a single pass. This robust, reliable metering system provides greater flexibility to accurately apply product in either single- or double-shoot applications.   .trbordd tr{border-bottom:1px solid #dedede;} .igg{float:right; padding:10px;} .tdg{border-bottom:1px solid #dedede;} .ttl{width: 100%; height: 30px; background-color: #eeeeee; line-height: 26px; padding-top: 2px; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; margin-top: 10px; color: #df0101; font-size: 14px; clear: both;} .list ul{list-style:disc; padding-left:10px;} .conn li{width:80% ;} .conn ul{width:700px ;}

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